Founded in 1851, 著名的明尼苏达大学是美国最全面的公立大学之一. 它是一所一流的研究型大学,拥有国内和国际声誉, providing a strong tradition of education and public service.
Entuity成功地管理了明尼苏达大学基础设施的升级. Entuity’s integrated performance, fault and inventory management, 报告功能和可扩展性最大限度地减少了明尼苏达大学所需的工具数量, so helping to manage costs and deliver services more effectively.
The University of Minnesota is dedicated to teaching and learning, research and discovery, and public engagement. The University serves more than 70,000 students and faculty. 它通过四个校区(双子城)提供370多个研究领域的学位, 德卢斯, 莫里斯, 据), a collaborative center in Rochester, extension offices, and research and outreach centers.
保持其分布式社区的良好联系24×7对大学信息技术办公室(OIT)至关重要。. OIT的网络和电信十大赌博正规老平台(NTS)集团运营和管理双城校园网络. It provides front-end voice, data, and video communications services, including telephone and data connections and remote access services.
“将领先的新兴技术集成到我们的网络基础设施中,以支持和改进它,以实现未来的增长和持续可用性的能力至关重要,”said the University of Minnesota’s Manager of Data Network, 网络和电信十大赌博正规老平台部门的设计和运营. 为整个社区提供可靠的网络访问,有助于大学实现提供一流研究和教育十大赌博正规老平台的总体目标. 对大学现有基础设施的深入审查强调了双城校园数据网络, installed in 1997, had outlived its life expectancy of five years. “我们遇到了一个瓶颈——我们无法轻易地向网络扩展和添加新的技术和十大赌博正规老平台,以有效地支持我们的社区,” the Manager said.
NTS小组确定需要对双子城的校园网络基础设施进行重大升级. With a distributed and expanding network that already included 150,000端口, 国税厅还决定,需要一种更有效、更主动的方式来监控和管理升级到新网络. 国税厅制定了详细的网络升级征求建议书(RFP), including a thorough section on network management, to replace the outdated systems.
Through its extensive RFP scoring process, the University chose new equipment – Cisco 6500’s for the border, backbone and core infrastructure, 然后除以2,200台思科3750交换机分布在300座建筑物中,用于分发和边缘设备.
The NTS group also evaluated several network management tools. Entuity was selected based on its scoring performance against the RFP.
“我们需要 network monitoring and management 能够轻松应对我们复杂多变的环境,”设计工程师Mike Faust说. “Entuity scored the highest in our RFP evaluation. Entuity integrated performance, fault and inventory management, reporting capabilities and extensibility helped it attain a leading score.”
“Entuity满足了我们的网络管理系统需求,并在一个解决方案中做到了这一点. Entuity minimizes the number of tools we need, helping us to manage our costs and deliver services more effectively,” the Manager said.
在大学的RFP评分评估中,同样重要的是Entuity使用一个集中的存储库来整合和关联三个操作学科, a powerful analytics engine, presentation and notification and unprecedented reporting. 不同类型信息的融合使Entuity对网络事件有了独特的理解, changes in network usage and their impact on a business. Entuity provides:
- Performance Management, 使用十大赌博正规老平台降级敏感性来预测问题,以便基础设施管理人员可以在用户注意到之前采取行动
- Availability Management which distinguishes between network, 十大赌博正规老平台器和应用程序错误,然后报告真正原因及其业务含义
- Resource Management, 提供IT基础设施资产的完整清单以及它们所连接的内容. 包括备用端口报告,可在实施后的几个小时内节省成本
“Entuity满足了我们的网络管理系统需求,并在一个解决方案中做到了这一点. Entuity minimizes the number of tools we need, helping us to manage our costs and deliver services more effectively.”
– Manager Data Network, University of Minnesota
- 可扩展性:随着新技术的加入,大学的网络不断变化, 例如BGP, VPN and new security firewall services. Entuity易于扩展和配置,可以快速添加这些组件以监视和管理它们. 大学计划“调整”Entuity,以收集改善整个网络管理和运营所需的具体信息
- 易于使用:企业需要更少的开销、管理和维护. 基础设施发现是最新的,信息可以快速获取. entity提供了一个分布式视图,一直到对象级别(设备、端口、WAN链路等)。
- Reporting: Entuity’s reporting offers access to important statistical data, 提供主动网络管理和将信息扩展到所有客户的能力
- 快速实现和开箱即用的灵活性:Entuity可以快速安装, up and running and collecting network data within a few hours
“Entuity is a partner. They quickly respond to our questions, training requests and operational needs, 继续展示他们的承诺,作为我们领先的网络升级项目的战略要素. We have input into product planning for Entuity. 与Entuity一起参与发展Entuity的过程将有助于我们实现我们的目标和目标,因为我们将朝着未来更积极主动的网络管理发展.”
– Manager Data Network, University of Minnesota
Using Entuity, the University of Minnesota’s met its network goals to:
- 主动管理网络和连接,提供更可靠的社区支持
- Leverage inventory management and statistical reporting; determine resource limitations to improve network utilization
- Use impact analysis; understand the impact of changes and forecast future needs
- 通过有效的故障管理识别和解决冲突和阻塞
- View previously hidden edge port conditions; communicate to departments and fix problems
- Retire home-grown systems
- Prevent service problems from developing
Embracing the digital worldview, Entuity provides digital network analytics for the changing enterprise. Our highly automated, 统一, enterprise-class solution puts deep network insight at your fingertips, frees IT staff to focus on strategic projects, and easily integrates with major framework environments. Entuity的支持和十大赌博正规老平台团队经常因其快速反应而受到称赞, networking expertise and involvement in special engagements.